Tuesday, 28 June 2016

University of Bradford

As I was unsuccessful at getting into Bradford University last year, With this news I decided to get in contact with the tutor in charge of the course to see what I could do. I decided to do a extra year at college to get the points needed and because I got in contact with the tutor I was able to skip the interview process and was accepted within a week of sending aplication. Here is part of the emails, contact details are removed for privacy

Here is the official letter of confirmation:

University Research

I plan to do Film at University and here are some of the universities I have looked into.

Lincoln Unversityi: http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/course/ftvftvub/

BA (Hons) Film and Television (3 years)

University of Bradford:http://www.bradford.ac.uk/study/courses/view/?c=film-and-television-production-ba-4-years
BA (Hons) Film and Televison Production (4 years)

Group Presentation

We were told to do a presentation on topics related to our FMP, I was in a group of three and we did the presentation on Sound, Colour and Shape Theory. All the research we had done i found was very helpful in faring my idea for my FMP.  Such things about sound theory give me a idea to create some audio to effect people emotional state and also how to create chaos.
all research notes and links are here: https://padlet.com/eliciahibbard/m6ruvxf7bz3v

Included in this post is the presentation, of which I edited into a video, as thats what I'm good at. It was filmed and edited in one day.

FMP: Test 8

While I watching random video online, I found one that had the simple edit of citing footage to black to the song of a heart beat, Sadly I can't remember the video but i took that concept to make to panic. For this test footage, I hunted down footage of a hailstorm I was in. In which I found the experience to be total panic, people screaming, running for their life. Even tho it was just hail, I wanted to recreate the panic with this edit. I’ve used this in my final piece. This was my final test piece before I started to compile footage together. 

FMP: Test 7

With learning for to use after effects did some research I decided to get some footage from a film about the war and date it to what it would of been like. jitters in the footage, low quality radio audio, orange tinted film and low frame rate. I may of not used any of the my final piece but effects like the jittering i found to be great for my final piece.

FMP" Test 6

Test number 6 was my favourite. I took footage from a random intro of a youtube channel i watch and went to town to break it. audio, visual did and most importantly I used after effects. This was my first time using after effects and i learnt a lot doing it. Thanks to this piece I have improved my abilities. This piece did go into my final piece.

FMP: Test 5

For this test, i wanted to make a sad story with the intention to make you feel really sad. The video is done like it was a memorial video done to remember them in the end The result had people in tears and asking me about the girl in the video. my response " oh stock girl profile photo, she is fine". I also made a version of this with a joke ending but found tricking people would make it less likely to effect someone emotionally. This test made it self into the final piece and for those that had seen the joke footage,  were watching for a happy ending which never came.